Today. Because it's beautiful.

Fall is finally here and serving yet again as a simple reminder of how beautiful the world is, and how beautiful our place is in it. I like the look of myself in the world, alongside the sight of leaves falling off of my wind and rain plastered windshield as I pull out of the parking lot.

I went gallivanting about BYU campus today and fell in love yet again.

Campus--with all of the students hurrying to their noon classes, faces careworn with the weight of responsibility, professors being stopped by students in the hall, just to see how things have been since their last meeting--and me. I have no reason to be there, except that I want to be. Just because today is beautiful.

All this going on below, while up above the clouds are brewing and the wind is breaking the stillness of the atmosphere, throwing my hair into my eyes, and hurrying me on my way. I see an old friend, and I smile and wave, as I take the first bite of the most perfect apple I've ever tasted.

Just because today is beautiful. Just because today is today, and I am free to do what I will.

"Don't close your eyes. This is your life, and today is all you've got now. And today is all you'll ever have." -Switchfoot

Provo in the fall. Complete with rain, wind, my best friend, and views like this picture. I know that the world is imperfect, but some days it seems closer to perfection than we give it credit for.

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