Just Because I Have Fingers

I was trying to be cool. I had this blog posting all figured out. I was going to write a blog post on the past, on the present and on the future, and then I was going to write about "Seeing in all Directions at the Same Time". Well. I've been working on that post for weeks now. It is hefty, and I have things to say that I'm not sure I'm ready to say yet.
But I am ready to say this:
I love life.
This fall has been beautiful.
My family is wonderful A) because we're forever, and B) because we're going to stay that way.
Making new friends is like opening a window in your house that had been completely covered and letting in just that much more sunshine. There is always someone new to be friends with. That's a lot of windows.
Ducks are weird animals, but I love feeding them.
Our bodies are amazing. They're kind of perfect, when you think about it.
Music is one of God's most powerful reminders that he loves us.
No matter how boring life seems, there is always something exciting waiting for us, even if we can't see it.
I have all of the knowledge that I need to be happy right now.
Mom made homemade pizza for dinner, and though I was too hungry to heat it, it was amazing even cold.
The snow is coming.
Thanksgiving is next week, and it is going to be amazing.

I am saying all this, not because it's November, but because I have fingers.

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